Everyone has a box full of old damaged photos somewhere, especially now in the 'digital' age, they tend to be overlooked, gathering dust, and dirt, or getting torn, forgotten about completely.
It has become a bit easier in recent decades to find software to repair damage; however with so many packages on the market, the choice is rather confusing. And it can take an experienced 'artist's' eye to really know how to repair damage in a subtle, correct manner, without overdoing the process..
Now, I can soon offer that photo restoration, taking advantage of my considerable art and design experience, and expertise, to take those ravaged photos, and turn them into fresh and shiny, almost new looking images; but I do not use the usual software, instead generic programmes, of which I own several, each providing huge advantages over just one repair technique. Creases can be removed, rips in the surface gone, and faded tone brought back to life, and it's amazing what details can emerge once the years of dust, and grime has been reduced.
This is a new service provided on my website soon - almost ready! So keep looking out for more details on Simon's artworld.
DO NOT SEND ME ACTUAL PHYSICAL PHOTOS YET- The service will eventually only require you sending a scanned JPEG copy of the damaged old photo to me [via my e.mail] of which I will use to restore. And you will in return get the completed restored image back but vastly improved of course, and all in one small fee! [£40].