Why not commission me to paint a portrait of your pet [ Cat or Dog].? With decades of visual art experience, and many similar such works made over the years, you are guaranteed a premium quality image every time. I make them from colour photos provided by customer, and then get to work, using the best quality pigmented watercolour paints, on board, or paper. The colours are strong, and detail very fine indeed, as you will see in these samples. My overall fee will cover the work complete with postage to you in the price. It will be more than the commercial images; but there again you will be getting a 'one-off' art piece made just especially for you [and your pet].. And yet it is still affordable for your pocket. If you are interested or want more info you are most welcome to contact me at: sketchmansimon@outlook.com Why not have your own pet's portrait made today? by Artist Simon Gabrielow.
I am including a PDF file soon for you to download with details.. but you can contact me already for enquiries.. [at my e.mail address] ..sketchmansimon@outlook.com